How To Save My Marriage After I Cheated On My Wife
How To Save My Marriage After I Cheated On My Wife? How do I get things back to where they were?
Firstly, you’re going to need to accept that this isn’t going to go away overnight. More marriages then you might expect do some come back from infidelity but it’s a marathon, not a sprint to the bedroom.
Your wife is going to be entitled to her opinion, and her opinion at the moment might be to throw things at you.
So what do you do now? Is there a way back to how you were before?
Every marriage is going to be different in some way, shape or form. Hopefully the advice here will help give you some guidance but if you want some more specific advice then take a free marriage assessment quiz. It can help fix the underlying problems, not just address the symptoms.
Okay, you messed up! So does everybody else. Every day, we commit mistakes. Why can’t we just forget about it and move on? Why can’t we just fix everything by saying sorry? A simple sorry is enough for being late in a date with your partner or buying her chocolates when she is allergic to it. However, there are some mistakes that can’t be justified by a simple apology. If you broke my favorite mug, don’t just clean it up and say sorry. Buy me one.
How does this apply to marriage? Of course, you can’t buy your wife a new heart after breaking hers. She only has one, and you are going to mend it.
After hurting her and you are able to ask, “How do I save my marriage after I have cheated on my wife?” then, this is definitely a good start.
According to Psychology Today, there is a 2.6 divorce rate in every 1000 marriages worldwide. This rate has since doubled in the last decade. Now, take a look at the 94% of marriages that didn’t end up in divorce. Do you think their marriages are all as easy as counting 1, 2, 3? I could imagine the hurdles they would have to overcome together to succeed in their marriages. I can see the countless nights of unheard sobs, and silent treatment just to prove a point. So, consider this affair a major setback in your marriage which needs a major effort on your part.
There is never a true relationship without TRUST. This is the soul that makes the relationship grow and become meaningful. If trust is not regained in your relationship, every interaction you have with a woman, will forever be suspicious. Every sudden change of schedule that you have will always have a shade of doubt in the mind of your wife. She will never be at peace in your relationship, and you will never be at peace if your truly love her. If you are to save your marriage, you must start here.
First step of regaining that trust is to humbly admit to your shortcoming. Man-up and own up to the decision you made. Get rid of the classic excuses like alcohol and the woman. More importantly, don’t blame your wife for your actions. Be man enough to point out the defect in your character and your thought process. Now, you can’t convince her by mere words, because your words mean nothing now. Remember you vowed to her on your wedding day that you will remain loyal and faithful to her. After you’ve cheated, your words don’t have any weight of credibility. Show her through your actions that you really are sincere in your apology. That you want to make everything right with her and save your marriage. Once you’ve done this, be patient and respect her pace in healing. It’s true what they say that what you build for years can just be destroyed overnight. You are now in a rebuilding stage, mending a broken heart, and regaining that trust. These things do not happen overnight, it will be a slow and long process.
Love waits, be patient.