Spot the Signs Your Wife Has Checked Out Of The Marriage

Marriage Clever
4 min readAug 27, 2020


Spotting signs your wife has checked out of the marriage has to be done… carefully. I can give you some example signs to look out for but don’t jump instantly to divorce just because you happen to spot one.

Take these as what they are useful for. These signs can help you spot when work needs to be done and they need to account for personality traits as well.

You’ve got the super common stuff:

  • Not spending time with you (duh)
  • Not asking about you or being interested (duh…)
  • Being hyper-critical (Alright do we really need to continue with these?)

You don’t need to me telling you the basics here. But even with these simple signs it’s actually a lot harder to spot this kind of thing happening than you might think. Its one thing to see them in writing or in someone else’s relationship, but often quite another to actually spot them in your own.

Every marriage is going to be different in some way, shape or form. Hopefully the advice here will help give you some guidance but if you want some more specific advice then take a free marriage assessment quiz. It can help fix the underlying problems, not just address the symptoms.

In order for marriages to work perfectly, they must be managed with very honest criteria, where honesty, sincerity, consideration, respect and tolerance, apart from love, must play an essential role.

When things start to go wrong in a relationship of this type, it is easy to identify the signs your wife has checked out of the marriage, and that is that people, especially women, although they want to hide it, can not avoid some behaviors in their way of acting within the relationship.

Behaviors taken by the wife when the marriage is not interesting for her.

The most evident behavior of a wife that shows that the relationship no longer interests her and that is one of the signs your wife has checked out of the marriage, is her behavior towards sexual relations with her husband.

A woman who no longer feels well with her partner, whenever she has to go to bed, looks for an excuse of any kind not to have sexual contact with her husband, from a “I don’t feel well today”, “I’m tired, I had a very hard day”, “we are not alone, the children can come in”, etc. This is an unmistakable sign that things are not right, that she does not feel well in the relationship.

On the other hand, when she accepts the sexual relationship, she does it in a disinterested way, you can see that she does not feel the pleasure that a woman in love with her husband and devoted to him feels, and this can be seen in the lack of caresses, in the way she gives herself with love without prejudice.

  • Decreasing tolerance, a wife who is desirous of the marital relationship, does not tolerate any kind of attitude from her husband, is always looking for a point to start an argument, and to create conflicts within the couple.
  • She does not appreciate the virtues of her husband, when the marital relationship is good, generally the wives feel proud of any virtue that their husband has, and they boast of the quality of their partner, on the contrary when the woman is not interested in the marriage anymore, she only sees the negative things, the details that her husband has with her, they are insignificant and unimportant, even if they are very romantic.
  • Decreasing responsibility within the relationship, this is a clear sign that the wife has totally lost any interest in maintaining the marriage, neglecting the responsibilities that being the head of the household entails, such as neglecting her husband in the most basic aspects, not caring about the children, no matter their situation at school, not taking care of the support for the children’s activities.
  • Sudden change of habits, a woman who is no longer interested in the relationship with her husband, tends to have changes in her behavior that she cannot hide, the sudden change in the way she dresses, seeking to do it in a more daring way, sudden outings that she was not used to doing, suspicious phone calls.

All these changes that the wife has within the marriage, are perceptible, since these attitudes are supported by the disinterest in the relationship that she can have.



Marriage Clever

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