Why Did My Husband Cheat If He Loves Me?
Why did my husband cheat if he loves me? Sometimes I just feel like answering these with “because men can be stupid” but it’s rarely that simple. Women make the same mistake and it all boils down to the same reason(s) at the end of the day.
There are a number of reasons your husband might cheat and it doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t love you. It does mean you’re still going to have to work on your marriage to fix the cause of the cheating.
It’s not going to be as simple as dealing with the other woman or waiting for the problem to go away. We’re going to have to get uncomfortable, address the cause of the problem and really try and deal with it.
Every marriage is going to be different in some way, shape or form. Hopefully the advice here will help give you some guidance but if you want some more specific advice then take a free marriage assessment quiz. It can help fix the underlying problems, not just address the symptoms.
Today’s very technological world, everything happens very fast, even relationships between couples are affected by this dizzying advance of technology, which is making available more and more options to find even couples through the platforms that are available to people very easily.
Because a man cheats on his wife
When a wife has to come to ask herself, why did my husband cheat if he loves me? There are many possible answers, and the technological reason has a lot to do with it.
But let’s look at some of these possible reasons why a husband cheats on his wife even though he loves her
He needs to prove that he can still conquer
When men have been married for a while, even though they are still in love with their wife, they go through moments when they need themselves, to prove if they still have conquering capacities as when they were single.
And they begin to invent thinking that they will have control of the situation and not measuring the consequences they may cause with this immature behavior.
Friends’ influence
The friends that a man has, turn out not to be the most suitable counselors, some of them who no longer feel attractive in their marriages see extra-marital relationships as something normal and necessary, and they boast of having lovers, women to whom they even provide better economic support than their wives.
These types of men feel very masculine, and they forbid their wives to even demand how they should dress, while their lovers even buy them sensual and daring clothes.
So they become a bad influence for husbands who have stable marital relationships, but unfortunately their will power is weak, and they do not stop to think how good or bad are the examples and advice of these friends.
The computer world has become the worst enemy of stable relationships
Leisure leads people to connect constantly on the Internet, where they can find sites specialized in finding partners with amazing ease.
This begins very easily because the man who does it do not see this situation as transcendent for the reason of seeing it as a relationship that will not become real, but that becomes so involved that this virtual relationship at any moment passes to the real plane, since the demands of the virtual couple lead them to know each other physically and it is the beginning of infidelity.
Television and the movies as bad counselors
The advertisements that are often seen on TV and in movies show that the most successful and attractive men are those who have more women, they even show stereotypes of women that a man should have, and there are men who are influenced by these media.
The husband may desire more sexual fierceness
And many wives, out of fear, sorrow, or scruples, are inhibited from pleasing their husband with uncommon sexual actions, bringing as a consequence that they look for that which they desire in another woman, even for a while.
This is a very real cause for women to ask themselves, why did my husband cheat if he loves me? The answer should lead them to reflect on how they are dealing with their husband in the area of sex.
Personal appearance
A husband may love his wife very much, but the wife must keep in mind that he fell in love with an attractive woman, who was perhaps thin, slender, who dressed up for him, who dressed up attractively.
Unfortunately women after they get married tend to neglect their physical appearance, when they are at home they do not have the precaution of looking attractive to their husband, to keep in him the spark of desire, of emotion.
Of course, it is necessary to take into account that housework, child care, and the tiredness of work influence this situation, but the wife must learn to deal with this, to take time to dedicate to herself, to be well, to exercise, to be active, and above all to look beautiful and attractive to her husband, thus decreasing the risk that her husband has to look for these qualities in another woman.
To ensure that a husband who loves his wife, has no reason to fall into the temptation of infidelity, it is necessary that in their daily lives have tolerance to many aspects, sometimes you do not agree with some behaviors or decisions, but for the sake of the relationship is desirable to make some concessions.
Avoiding Routine
There is no more lethal enemy to a relationship than routine, a wife to not have in the future to ask of why did my husband cheat if he loves me?
You must prevent routine from becoming a permanent companion in your marriage.
Routine causes everything in the relationship to become monotonous, routine prevents the expectation that it will stir up feelings in the couple, for a husband routine can even be the cause for seeking emotions to fall into infidelity.
Good communication is a guarantee of success in almost all types of relationships that may exist, including marriage. Knowing how to express to your partner what you feel, what you want, knowing how to express what you disagree with is necessary for the well-being of the couple.
When some way of acting or expressing yourself about your spouse causes you some discomfort or disagreement you should talk about it with caution, expose your points of view clearly and try to find non-conflictive solutions.
Knowing what your husband is thinking, knowing what he wants and when he wants it, knowing how he likes to make love, knowing his most pleasant or erogenous areas so you can live moments of true ecstasy with him, making him know your most erotic points, will make your relationship so healthy and so desired by both of you that the risk of an infidelity from him will be efficiently reduced.
In general the woman is more mature and intelligent than the man, so it is an advantage to be exploited, to know how to use her ingenuity to make the marriage relationship a happy, successful and harmonious one, where satisfaction reigns in all aspects for both and as in the stories, they lived happily ever after.